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library searching中文是什么意思

用"library searching"造句"library searching"怎么读"library searching" in a sentence


  • 库搜索
  • 谱库检索


  • Display the current shared library search path
  • Displays progress messages indicating just the libraries searched
  • Builds dynamic library search path into the executable file
  • Autocad library search path autocad
  • Moreover , for shared library systems , usr local lib must be added to the runtime library search path
    共程序库系统需将usr local lib追加成程序库查找路径。
  • What , exactly , does your company do ? never pose questions that a library search could have answered
  • The displayed information includes the library search process and lists each library and object name with full path , the symbol being resolved from the library , and a list of objects that reference the symbol
    所显示的信息包括库搜索进程,同时还列出每个库和对象名(包括完整路径) ,正从库中解析的符号,以及引用该符号的对象的列表。
  • Most users have no reason to change the system default library search paths ; generally the environment variable is a better match for likely reasons to change the search path , such as linking with libraries in a toolkit or testing programs against a newer version of a library
  • It includes symposia , monographs and reviews , statistics , optimal design of experiments and optimization methods , analytical signal processing , multivariate calibration , chemical pattern recognition , qsar , library searching and expert systems , chemometric education , with 168 references cited
    内容涉及统计学与统计方法、试验设计与优化、分析信号处理、多元校正、化学模式识别、定量构效关系( qsar ) 、数据库及专家系统、化学计量学教学等方面,共引用文献168篇。
用"library searching"造句  
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